2016-2017 Principal Coach
Contract with the Principals' Association Projects group as a Principal Coach with the Near North Board to assist schools under the Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses Initiative. There is a specific focus on Math.
Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses (AEAC)
Semester 1:
Planning: September 30, 2016
Mid-Semester: November 30, 2016
Final: February 28, 2017
Semester 2:
Planning: February 28, 2017
Mid-Semester: April 30, 2017
Final: July 15, 2017
Secondary schools receiving intense and increased support as part of the Renewed Mathematics Strategy provide data relating to Grade 9 applied mathematics. Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses (AEAC) schools provide data relating to Grade 9 and Grade 10 applied courses.
Taking Stock
November 30, 2016
April 30, 2017
July 15, 2017
Collects district school board level data on Grade 7-12+ students deemed to be at risk or in risk situations. Includes information on student progress and protective measures.
Contract with the Principals' Association Projects group as a Principal Coach with the Near North Board to assist schools under the Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses Initiative. There is a specific focus on Math.
Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses (AEAC)
Semester 1:
Planning: September 30, 2016
Mid-Semester: November 30, 2016
Final: February 28, 2017
Semester 2:
Planning: February 28, 2017
Mid-Semester: April 30, 2017
Final: July 15, 2017
Secondary schools receiving intense and increased support as part of the Renewed Mathematics Strategy provide data relating to Grade 9 applied mathematics. Achieving Excellence in Applied Courses (AEAC) schools provide data relating to Grade 9 and Grade 10 applied courses.
Taking Stock
November 30, 2016
April 30, 2017
July 15, 2017
Collects district school board level data on Grade 7-12+ students deemed to be at risk or in risk situations. Includes information on student progress and protective measures.